Wise Choice Properties is a small, family owned business operating out of scenic South Central Pennsylvania. Whether you want to talk mobile home parks, need to sell, are tired of headaches of ownership or just curious about potential selling in the future, please feel free to get in touch anytime! We also purchase raw, undeveloped land; check out the ‘Undeveloped Land FAQ’ at the top of the page for more information.


Cordell Martin

Call at 717-553-0600 or email cordellmartin@wisechoicepropertiesofpa.com

Contact Us Today For a No Obligation Offer

We are experienced mobile home park owners; as well as owning and operating self-storage and additional rental properties.

Call 717-553-0600 (call or text), e-mail us at cordellmartin@wisechoicepropertiesofpa.com or use the contact link in the upper right of this page

We will respond within 24 hours

You will receive a non-committal offer; we are more than happy to speak with you about your park or parcel of land and answer any questions!

We are committed to taking care of residents by providing clean, safe housing while demonstrating pride of ownership through maintaining park infrastructure and appearances.